
This page contains a list of publicly available software and code repositories relevant to the field of computational ethnomusicology. If you wish to include your own software in the list, please fill out the request form. If you wish to remove your entry, send an email to nkroher at us dot es.

Cante, developed in the COFLA research project is a tool for automatic transcription of flamenco singing. The software extracts a symbolic note representation of the singing voice melody from a cappella or accompanied flamenco recordings. CANTE is available as a Python module and as an OSX binary.

Tarsos, developed by Joren Six, is a software tool to analyze and experiment with pitch organization in all kinds of musics. Most of the analysis is done using pitch histograms and octave reduced pitch class histograms. Tarsos has an intuitive user interface and contains a couple of command line programs to analyze large sets of music. A demonstration of basic Tarsos functionalities is available here. Here is the manual.

SeFiRe is a tool for segmentation of field recordings and other audio recordings. It can label and segment an audio file into speech and music segments, or into five classes: speech, solo singing, choir singing, instrumental and bell chiming. SeFiRe offers a user-friendly interface for visualizing the audio and labelled classes and for manipulating the segment boundaries.

Software developed with the CompMusic project:

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